On 2008-08-04, at 13:26, Tony Crockford wrote:
mate . works fine (in a sensible directory) but still goes unresponsive if I invoke it at /~ (which is probably a daft idea!)
I confirm. The same here. Daft or not daft, this is not The Right Thing to react so on daft ideas of the user ;-)
but it did eventually open it (on my Mac Pro) and given that my home folder contains nearly 700 thousand items (227GB), I think it fair that TM goes and sulks for a bit.
Well - provided that it _has to_ scan the whole dir structure upon startup. Has it? You waited on the Mac Pro while on a G4 I couldn't wait long enough. If that is because of scanning the whole directory tree - wouldn't it be better to scan on as-needed basis? Better both for startup time and memory usage?