Not to sound ... er, something mildly condescending, but isn't this what the sidebar is for? Having whole paths in tabs would make them quite big, an onhover might do it of course ...
On May 26, 2006, at 21:19 , Eric Coleman wrote:
I actually run into this problem often... would be nice too have the parent directory like suggested :)
You know, when you get time Allan ;)
Eric Coleman
On May 26, 2006, at 2:38 PM, porneL wrote:
I've got many projects which have lots of files with same names, like index.php in every directory or sets of files like class/foo, template/foo, data/foo, etc.
This often leads to having many tabs with same name and makes switching difficult.
Are there solutions to this problem? Other than ⌘T, which requires typing?
Ideally I'd like to have parent directory name on tab ("foo/ index.php" or apple-style "index.php--foo").
-- regards, porneL
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