I got this indent-each-line issue with another C-style coding, I can remember which one by now, but I'll keep you posted as soon as it triggers again.
I just got it:
/** * Protection register */ static void spi_at45_cmd_3D(SpiAT45Sm * at45, uint8_t recv, uint8_t *send) { if ( ! at45->data_count ) { fprintf(stderr, "ADDRESS: %02x %02x %02x\n", at45->address[0],
Cmd-C the last line (at45->address[0]) Cmd-V to the next line, and hit Cmd-V again gives
fprintf(stderr, "ADDRESS: %02x %02x %02x\n", at45->address[0], at45->address[0], at45->address[0],
Cheers, Manu