On 23/12/2005, at 13:17, soryu2@gmail.com wrote:
As I am writing some documentation in markdown myself at the moment it would be a great help if you could share those scripts (along with your modified markdown bundle maybe).
I've attached an archived version of my `manual` folder, which is self-contained. My Markdown bundle modifications are limited to the completion command mentioned (for references) and a custom drag command for images to work with my path setup.
The archive contains:
pages/*.markdown -- the actual manual (written in markdown.) images/*.png -- the images (although I removed these from the archive.) templates/*.rhtml -- three templates for how the Markdown should look as HTML. markdown.references -- my reference list used by the pages.
update_references.sh -- grep through `pages/*.markdown` for references not in the list (and add these with a stub) plus tell if there are unused references.
add_image_size.rb -- add width/height arguments to image tags which lack them (read from stdin, write to stdout), also converts the src argument to an absolute (macromates.com) path. This is used by `generate.rb`.
generate.rb -- this generate HTML versions of the markdown pages, it writes these to `html`. The script goes through `pages/*.markdown` in alphabetital order and strips any numeric prefix in the HTML versions.
You can provide other templates or another output folder to the `generate.rb` script. E.g. to generate the online version of the documentation I call:
./generate.rb \ -toc_template="../site/templates/sidebar.rhtml" \ -chapter_template="../site/templates/doc_chapter.rhtml" \ -all_template="../site/templates/doc_all.rhtml" \ -output_dir="../site/html/textmate/manual"
In practice you should be able to just replace the contents of `pages` with your stuff, and run `./generate.rb` (with `manual` as cwd) -- though you'll have to modify the `add_image_size.rb` to not have it alter relative image paths (and/or edit `generate.rb` from where it's called, which btw also set `images` as cwd for this script).