Turns out the service wasn't being started, even though it showed up in the Services menu. I re-installed the bundle in my local Library/Services folder and that seemed to clear everything up.
It's actually possible that the service *was* installed for the user I deleted, which explains why it still showed up. I don't think I've rebooted my machine since I deleted that user (weeks ago now).
Thanks, Eric
On Mar 30, 2005, at 1:06 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On Mar 30, 2005, at 5:49, Eric Ocean wrote:
When I try to use this from Safari, Safari hangs (expected) but nothing happens in TextMate. I used to use this feature often, but as another user on my machine. I've since deleted that user, so I can't comment as to whether or not it would still work in that account.
Any ideas on how to fix things so they work again?
hmm... so it seems the service is present, but just doesn't launch TextMate?
My first thought was that the service was installed for the user you deleted. You can install it in either ~/Library/Services or /Library/Services.
You can check if the service was actually started using Activity Monitor, if you're using 1.1 of the service, the process name is TextMate Service. And I assume you know how to check if TextMate was running ;)
Did you try rebooting or was this a fast user switch? I wouldn't be surprised if the latter would cause problems.
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