Thanks for adding this Haris!
But why not also create a command whicht toggles emphasis like the ones already existing for textit (cmd-I), textbf (cmd-B), underline (cmd-U), texttt (cmd-K) and assign cmd-E as a shortcut? For me, this would mean much less finger-acrobatics than those strange ctrl-shift- w or cmd-{ shortcuts. Especially on european keyboards ;-)
Maybe you find some time to add this, too.
Thanks in advance for all your work.
On 19.09.2006, at 16:00, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
On Sep 19, 2006, at 9:46 AM, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
- Set default behavior for ctrl-shift-W.
- Add even shorter trigger for cmd-{.
I actually just went ahead and committed these two changes. For general reference for people not familiar with it, I've appended all the shortcuts used by the cmd-{ command at the moment. New shortcuts are added every now and then, and you suggestions would be welcomed.
it = '\textit{$1} '; bf = '\textbf{$1} '; tt = '\texttt{$1} '; sf = '\textsf{$1} '; sc = '\textsc{$1} '; e = '\emph{$1} '; em = '\emph{$1} '; fc = '\footcite{$1} '; fn = '\footnote{$1} '; cli = '\lstinline{$1} '; ds = '\displaystyle'; dis = '\displaystyle';
hf = '\hfill'; vf = '\vfill';
dc = '\documentclass{${1:article}}\n'; nc = '\newcommand{$1}{$2}'; rnc = '\renewcommand{$1}{$2}'; usep = '\usepackage{$1}'; geo = '\usepackage[left=${1:2cm},right=${2:2cm},top= ${3:1cm},bottom=${4:2cm}]{geometry}';
sec = '\section{$1}'; sub = '\subsection{$1}'; ssub = '\subsubsection{$1}'; subs = '\subsubsection{$1}'; cha = '\chapter{$1}'; par = '\paragraph{$1}'; subp = '\subparagraph{$1}';
fr = '\frac{${1:num}}{$0}'; frac = '\frac{${1:num}}{$0}'; l = '\lim_{$1} $0'; lim = '\lim_{$1} $0'; s = '\sum_{${1:bot}}^{$2} $0'; sum = '\sum_{${1:bot}}^{$2} $0'; p = "\prod_{${1:bot}}^{$2} $0"; prod = "\prod_{${1:bot}}^{$2} $0";
put = "\put(${1:0},${2:0}){$0}"; mp = "\multiput(${1:0},${2:0})(${3:5},${4:0}){${5:2}}{$0}"; mput = "\multiput(${1:0},${2:0})(${3:5},${4:0}){${5:2}}{$0}"; multiput = "\multiput(${1:0},${2:0})(${3:5},${4:0}){${5:2}}{$0}"; line = "\line(${1:0},${2:0}){${3:0}}{$0}"; cir = "\circle${1:[*]}{$0}"; circle = "\circle${1:[*]}{$0}";
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