Hi there -
loving TextMate in general, but really want one feature I've had from several editors in the past (e.g. Scintilla, Eclipse):
For indenting/dedenting, commenting/uncommenting, duplicating, deleting with a selection, I'd like TextMate to work on the full lines rather than the exact selection.
So if you make a selection of several lines starting from the middle of one and finishing in the middle of one, and then do an operation like commenting
Then the result wouldn't be as currently (that the comment delimiter is placed in the middle of the line, generating syntactically incorrect code)
But instead comment as if I had selected the whole lines.
I'd like indent/dedent, duplicate and delete to work similarly.
Is there a way to make this happen? Can I "decorate' those commands somehow to select the relevant lines first... Or would I just have to rewrite those particular features (for each bundle I want them to happen in? )
(Hoping the screenshots I took make it into the mail).
thanks in advance
http://red56.co.uk http://tim.teamportfolios.com/ tim@red56.co.uk