- Added line for HTML <div> sections to the default .ctags.tmcodebrowser
First off, thank you very much for this plugin. I don't understand much about ctags, and I don't see any of my <div>s showing up yet, but that's cool.
One thing I'd really like to see is the addition of IDs. I use the ID attribute like crazy, it's how I style elements with CSS and access them through the DOM. In fact, I'm at the point where without even thinking about it I just label almost every list, div, or header tag with some semantic ID just in case I want to access it later through either javascript or CSS. This comes in handy when working on certain sections of the site, because most modern browsers let you use put the ID of any element in the URL as a target.
So, in my dream version of TmCodeBrowser, it would list all of my IDed tags like:
div#header h1#h-title div#toolbar div#content ul#top-ten div#footer span#copy
Something like that perhaps? Is this possible with ctags? Could someone give me a pointer on how to configure this?