Wow -- thanks for that Allan! So am I to understand then that the next version of TM is going have such a feature built-in?
On May 22, 2006, at 12:35 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 22/5/2006, at 4:53, Sean Schertell wrote:
Hmm... that's a bit of a disappointment that the only way to get auto height/width is with the mouse. Is it possible to add this functionality with a command?
Sure it is -- it is already done with a drag command, you just need to make it a regular command that e.g. uses AS to prompt for the filename.
Here’s a quick proof-of-concept, set input: none, output: insert as snippet:
img=$(osascript -e 'tell app "SystemUIServer"' -e activate -e 'return POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "Pick an image:")' - e 'end tell')
err=$? osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to activate' &>/dev/null &
[[ $err == 0 ]] || exit_discard
src=${img#$(dirname "${TM_FILEPATH:-}")/} echo -n "<img src="$src" "
sips -g pixelWidth -g pixelHeight "$img" \ |awk '/pixelWidth/ { printf("width="%d" ", $2) } /pixelHeight/ { printf("height="%d" ", $2) }'
base=${img##*/} alt=$(tr <<<${base%.*} '[_-]' ' '|perl -pe 's/(\w+)/\u$1/g') echo -n "alt="${1:$alt}" />"
Or starting with next (cutting edge) build, just click this file:
<Insert Image.tmCommand>
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