did you check out the [brilliant themes][1] by Thomas Aylott? They are a nice starting point for theming (as intended by Thomas).
The brilliant themes are great. But they don't seem to have much beyond the basics for PHP or SQL, has anybody have a modified Brilliance Black in this direction?
Thanks much!
The Brilliance themes are all still in beta. But I did recently add support for PHP. You can checkout the changelog RSS feed for my personal bundles to stay up to date with my themes and stuff. feed://trippledoubleyou.subtlegradient.com/textmate/taylott_svnlog.rss
The subversion repo for my themes and bundles is: http://textmate.svn.subtlegradient.com/
And the Brilliance Black theme itself is: http://textmate.svn.subtlegradient.com/Themes/Brilliance%20Black% 20BETA.tmTheme
You'll notice that I'm also working on Brilliance Dull, Brilliance White & Brilliance Reversed (black and white).
If you send me a simple file of anything that is styled wrong or ugly or just not well enough, I'll update the theme. The goal is that these themes support every language as well as possible.
Note: I just recently added support for advanced xHTML stuff, PHP & LaTeX.
I should have done SQL strait from the beginning. Oy!
Thanks SO much for your interest. The more people that like it the more often i'll update it. If you want me to do anything, please bug me about it or I'll thing no one cares.
thomas Aylott subtleGradient oblivious@subtleGradient.com