I have the following HTML code [ | indicates the caret]:
<li>1. Einlesen des Textes</li> <dd> <b>Das Einl|</b> </dd>
If I press ESC to complete "Einl" to "Einlesen" TM beeps. I believe TM has a problem internally with the following "<foo>". If I have a space or a bracket after the "l" like "<b>Das Einl| </b>" the completion works fine.
Even if I have "Einl|foo" OR "Einl|<>" OR "Einl|</>" and I press ESC TM tries to complete "Einl" correctly. TM has ONLY a problem if between < and > occurs one or more characters AND if the grammar is set to HTML (in Plain Text it works!).
Is this a bug? Is that behaviour configurable/changeable?
TM 1.5.7 (1464) on Mac OSX 10.5.2 (ppc)