Allan Odgaard <mailinglist@...> writes:
On 18 Dec 2011, at 16:12, Piero D'Ancona wrote:
I would like to experiment with using the feature 'pipe through command' of the html preview in TM1 in combination with pdflatex.
To the best of my knowledge, that is not possible (since you switch the WebView to display a PDF for the LaTeX rendering).
Thanks for your time Allan.
Well I run into a problem with stdin which I do not understand.
I'm editing a very simple latex file.
If I pipe through the command cat /dev/stdin, web preview gives me the correct result (I see in the preview the contents of my file, on one line).
If I pipe through the command pdflatex -output-directory /tmp -interaction=nonstopmode /dev/stdin and then look into the log file, I find that tex was not able to compile. The TeX error is "no legal \end found". This means that somehow pdflatex could not access stdin I guess, but why?