Here is a command that i added to my XCode bundle to set a breakpoint in the front most file. Note that this assumes that the project is open in XCode. Thanks for the help on this list to make this work. In case you are wondering why the name of the file and not the path name.. The file reference type for XCode uses the name of the source file only.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # import the frontmost opened project window in Xcode
proect = %x{"#{ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']}/bin/find_xcode_project.rb"} named = File.basename(proect) xCodeProject = named.sub(/.(xcodeproj|xcode|pbproj)/?$/, "").chomp
%x{osascript -e 'tell application "TextMate" set myName to name of front document end tell tell application "Xcode" tell project named "#{xCodeProject}" set bp to make new file breakpoint with properties {line number:#{ENV['TM_LINE_NUMBER']}} set file reference of bp to file reference named myName set enabled of bp to true end tell end tell'}