Very weird. It didn't work yesterday, but I just tried it again before I saw this email and now it is working. When I tried it yesterday, it would change the name of the file in TextMate to a some type of temporary file name and the file wouldn't update. But it seems to be working properly now.
I think I'm good on this. Thank you.
On Thu, Jul 23, 2020, at 4:20 PM, John DeSoi via TextMate wrote:
In my experience, TextMate does update modified documents when it is brought to the foreground. BBEdit updates even when it is in the background. Is that what you are asking for?
John DeSoi, Ph.D.
On Jul 23, 2020, at 2:32 PM, wrote:
I am using TextMate along with nvALT. I will open a file in Textmate from nvALT with the edit with functionality. If I accidentally modify the file in nvALT while it's open in TextMate, TextMate doesn't reload the file.
BBEdit does do this though.
I really don't like BBEdit that much, so I don't want to use that. Is there an option somewhere to enable this functionality? If not, is it possible to submit a feature request to enable the functionality?
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