On Apr 1, 2005 6:21 PM, Kelvin post@ktml.net wrote:
I have the same problem, but it happens with or without virtual desktop. It's because of the behaviour of Mac os i think. The problem is every time you switch to Textmate, it checks for files updates/directory reference. When I have a large number of files opened or I am working on a big project with a lot of files, it takes a while. Say I am working with firefox and Textmate. If I switch to Firefox before the files update checking in Textmate is done, first it will switch to Firefox, and then when the update checking is done in Textmate, Mac os somehow turn the focus back to Textmate and bring it to foreground. Which is very annoying.
I think it's more like a bug in Mac os x more than a bug in Textmate?
I think the workaround is not to open so many files, or WAIT till Textmate finishing checking for file/directory updates before switching to another application.
Hmm, I'm inclinded to disagree (but only Allan could tell us for sure) because I have several apps that do file updates when brough to focus and I can switch away from them before they are done and they never steal focus. The one I use most is IDEA from JetBrains, which, while written in Java, still behaves like every other Mac app I have, which is to bounce the dock icon when needed.
I could be wrong, but I have a feeling it's something about TM that's stealing focus back.