Am 20. Jan 2006 um 15:15 schrieb Charilaos Skiadas:
On Jan 20, 2006, at 8:08 AM, Christof Janssen wrote:
I am a bloody newbie to both TextMate and TeXniscope, but I would like to give this combination a try. Unfortunately, I could not find an answer to the following problem (despite looking in the archives and googling the web). How do I configure the LaTeX bundle: Typeset & View that it starts TeXniscope from within TextMate ? Is anyone willing to share the script ?
In TextMate Preferences, under the Advanced tab, there are shell variables. Create a new one with name TM_LATEX_VIEWER and value TeXniscope. Make sure it's enabled. That should do it. Then you need to customize Texniscope a bit if you want pdfsync to work. Have you seen these: screencast-no-1/ screencast-no-2/
Thanks, I have seen these and your tip did the trick. Just wonderful, thanks a lot. -- I just seem to have problems with pdfsync - When I Shift Command in Texniscope it opens up a new Textmate window every time I do that instead of switching to the window already open.
With best regards
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