I've made a bit of progress in writing a MediaWiki bundle, the goal of which would be to allow one to use TextMate as an external editor on Wikipedia and other sites using the MediaWiki software. I've written an alpha version of a Ruby library to machine-read/screen- scrape wiki pages -- for example:
page = new MediaWiki::Page('TextMate') page.contents.gsub!(/Textmate/, 'TextMate') page.save('Corrected capitalization')
I've also built a few proof-of-concept TextMate commands -- fetch selection from Wikipedia, etc., and have done a very small amount of work on a MediaWiki syntax grammar (though the one described here <http://lists.macromates.com/pipermail/textmate/2006-January/ 007623.html> might be further along).
In short, I'm trying to replicate as much as possible of the functionality of mwjed http://www.djini.de/software/mwjed/, a jEdit plugin with the same purpose. This would include being able to configure multiple wikis independently, log in, etc., so the bundle will have to keep track of a bit of configuration info.
If anyone is interested in contributing to this project in any way, or has any ideas on how I can more elegantly keep track of a wiki "instance" across individual pages, please let me know. I'm decent enough in Ruby to get by (though my code could definitely benefit from another pair of eyes), but if you've got specific expertise in Objective-C I'd love your assistance in writing some dialogs like the ones in the Subversion bundle.
The bundle is in no way ready for inclusion in the bundle repository, but I can share what I've got with anyone who's interested. I invite questions, comments, and general ridicule.
Cheers, Andrew Dupont http://andrewdupont.net