On Jan 19, 2005, at 13:59, Brad Miller wrote:
Here's another little gotcha to remember that caught me, that I bet is not obvious to other programmers. When you record a macro that calls a command (or another macro), you might expect that the command/macro would be called, by name, like a function call in a program... However, what really happens is the contents of the command/macro get inserted [...]
Also applies to snippets. This is on purpose, since for example the original command/snippet/macro could have been deleted, or it could have been changed w/o considering that there was a dependency on it.
Could I avoid this if I edit the macro directly? Not sure how to call another command or macro from a macro.
You can't call another command by name, but you could make the change in the macro (instead of the command). Formally though I do not support manual editing of macros, since there's no sanity checks on the validity of the macro (so if you screw up, you may screw up TM when it executes the macro).
In next beta there'll be the possibility to inspect the contents of macros to make them more transparent (but no edit from inside TM) -- in the future I intend to record macros in a real language so that they can be edited. Just not entirely ready to embrace AppleScript ;)