guerom00 wrote:
I've said it before but what I really want for TM2 is a comprehensive and simple system to update the bundles… Right now, not having updating my bundles for a while, my TM is kinda broken (lots of bundles want more recent versions of tm_dialog, ruby and whatnot) and since svn is chinese to me, I'm clueless :(
Subversion is really simple when you get to know it.
But first you have to install it on your computer. Go to [1] to download a package which installs it. After the download double-click on the .dmg file and then double-click on the installer in it. Then just follow the steps to install subversion.
[1]: http://www.open.collab.net/servlets/OCNDownload?id=CSVNMACC
To use subversion with TextMate you have to open the Terminal (in Applications/Utilities). First you have to tell the Terminal to find subversion. To do this type the following in an open Terminal window and press enter.
echo 'PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin"' >> ~/.bash_profile
Then close the Terminal window an open another one (Command + N), this is necessary so the Terminal knows this new setting.
Then type the following and press enter to create the directory where the subversion data for TextMate should be stored and fill it with the current data from subversion. (This should all be on one line!)
svn co http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/ /Library/Application\ Support/TextMate
This will take a while since it downloads all the Bundle data from the macromates.com server. You need an internet connection for this of course.
After his you have a working subversion installation with the newest TextMate Bundles and such stuff. Congratulations ;-)
If you want to update the subversion installation then just type the following:
svn up /Library/Application\ Support/TextMate
To let TextMate know these changes you have to quit and restart it.
Hope this helps, Simon - -- + privacy is necessary + using http://gnupg.org + public key id: 0x6115F804EFB33229