Stephan, your first regex is correct, but you need to change more than just the regex. I just tried this:
#!/usr/bin/perl use List::Util qw(max);
# Get the highest-numbered reference. @nums = $text =~ /^[^(\d+)]: /mg; $n = max(@nums) + 1;
# Escape special characters. $text =~ s/([$\`])/\$1/g;
# Insert the snippet. print '[^${1:' . $n . '}]$0'. $text . '[^$1]: ${2:http://}' . "\n";
and it worked for me. Note that you have to put the carets in the snippet, or there won't be a caret to search for in the regex.
Note also that you won't have to use the bracketing command when doing a footnote, because, unlike a normal link, footnotes supply their own text. So your macro should just be two steps:
1. Select the text from the caret to the end of the document with Command-Shift-Downarrow.
2. Invoke the snippet-inserting command (see above) from the little gear menu, which pops the snippet and placeholders into the document.
I'm not sure, but mixing footnotes with reference-style links at the bottom of the file may cause problems. Caveat emptor.
Good luck!
-- Dr. Drang