if we have to have purple, can black still be an option? purple makes me look fat.
seems to me that textmate is about minimalism (or at least utility), and slogans aren't very minimalist (or utilitarian for that matter).
maybe just "textmate" in small, white (or purple), lower case print across the chest?
On May 17, 2007, at 8:58 PM, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
On May 17, 2007, at 11:17 PM, Jacob Rus wrote:
Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
Personally, I hate slogans unless they are totally awesome.
Yeah, that's why it's good to get community feedback, so we can avoid the non-totally-awesome ones.
Here are some ideas: Dark purple shirt, flat color version of the Logo on the front with the logo text in white. I like things simple and colorful. Anything except a white shirt!
I like black shirts, but dark purple would be alright, probably.
Black would be a natch, but wee bit overused. And purple would reinforce the brand ;)
thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors
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