I wrote the original "Compile with flashcommand" script but I was given no credit when it was included in the official bundle :-( What's more, it has been too much simplified IMHO : I don't want to have to select a .fla before building, and I don't wont to open the .swf directly because most of the time I need to see it in the context of a web page.
Here is an updated version :
# You need to set these shell variables in the project information :
# FLASH_TEST_URL http://localhost/my_page_displaying_the_swf.php # FLASH_FLA_PATH /path/to/the/fla/file # FLASH_SWF_SAVE_PATH /path/to/the/compiled/swf/file # FLASH_SWF_TMP /path/to/the/tmp/swf/file # FLASH_FLASHCOMMAND /path/to/flashcommand/binary
# get flashcommand here: # http://www.markme.com/mesh/archives/004419.cfm
# # end user changes #
result=`"$FLASHCOMMAND" -e -s "$FLA" -o "$SWF"` test=`echo "$result" | grep -c Error`
if [ "$test" != 0 ] then #flashcommand output is very dirty and windoze like. Let's format it ! echo $result | perl -p -i -e "s/\s***(Error|Warning)**\s*/\n/g;" | perl -p -i -e "s/Total ActionScript Errors.+//g;" | awk 'BEGIN {FS=": Line "} { a=$1; b=$1; gsub(":","/",a); gsub("^.+:","",b); print a":"b":"$2}' | perl -p -i -e "s'^(.+?)/'/';" exit 1; else echo Built successfully. cp "$SWF" "$FLASH_SWF_SAVE_PATH" open "$FLASH_TEST_URL" fi
On 22 juin 05, at 18:13, Ben Jackson wrote:
Who wrote the actionscript bundle? I have some ideas :) ___________________ Ben Jackson Diretor de Desenvolvimento
+55 (21) 9997-0593 ben@incomumdesign.com http://www.incomumdesign.com
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