On 12/3/2006, at 10:29, Yvon Thoraval wrote:
from time to time TextMate wants my password in order to save a file having the following perms :
That it wants password is not always a sign of lack of premissions. Currently it asks for password when it can’t save the file, but think it should be able to (i.e. retrying as root).
copy the content into the clipboard ; close the file without saving ;
re-open the file ;
paste the clipboard within this file.
have you heard of such a behaviour ?
That’s very strange. TextMate keeps no locks on the file, or keeps it “open”. So closing the window should make absolutely no change to the disk or the state of the file on disk (i.e. open count, or advisory lock state).
Is this on a normal HFS+ formatted local disk?
Could you check Console to see if there should be a problem with the file reported there?