I'm interested if there is a way or technique (or even "trick") that will allow me to track and resolve naming dependencies in a TextMate project.
Specifically, I'm thinking of the situation where, as I develop a web site, I decide that I need to move or rename an existing file. In order to prevent the website from breaking, I must then locate and change any and all references to that file in ALL of the files in the project. I can use Find and Replace in Project to accomplish that, but this is hardly proactive on the part of TextMate. I have to stop to do it, or *remember* to do it later.
If I were using GoLive or Dreamweaver I assume that if I changed the name of a file in a project, I'd get a message that that file was referenced in "X" number of files and would I like to update all those files to reflect the new name?
Is there any way now (or might there be any way in the future) to handle this situation?
I'm not programming in C or the like, but it seems to me that a similar situation could occur there: Say that for some reason you change the name of an include or header file... you'll be into a real mess if you don't detect all the locations in the code where that file is referenced and change it! OR... if you change a variable name for some reason, references to that name will need to be changed (even though we aren't changing a FILE name in that case).