Il 4-07-2008 17:16, Thomas Aylott / subtleGradient ha scritto:
Update the bundle and try again. I just fixed that error.
Er... I just did, and now the command seems to be successful, and the correct file:// URL is written in "/tmp/42_tm_css_live_preview_url.stupid_way_to_save_info", but when I open the CSS preview I still see the usual style preview... No, wait a minute: it works if I open the preview from the Window -> Show Web Preview menu item, but it doesn't work if I open it with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Option-Cmd-P. Weird.
Cool, and could be enough, but unfortunately it has the same problem you fixed in the "standard" web preview: if the preview of a long page is scrolled down, when I do some CSS edits the preview goes back to the top, forcing me to scroll it down again to check the changes.