I think it might be a reference to the following bundle dev post: http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/textmate-dev/2007-July/009600.html
Following the directions found there I was able to switch to the typeset_and_view branch.
Oh, and thanks Adam for all the great work on BibDesk the ISI stuff is brilliant! Peter
On 7/24/07, Adam R. Maxwell amaxwell@mac.com wrote:
On Jul 24, 2007, at 11:51, Brad Miller wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Lots of progress on the new LaTeX and View command over the last two days. If you can, please check out the branch and give it a try. It should work for you right out of the box with no additional configuration.
Your message yesterday said "See my earlier message for you you can switch to this branch of the svn repository if you'd like to beta test."...but I can't find that message.
What's the best way to accomplish the switch if I'm currently using an svn checkout in /Library/Application Support/TextMate? I suppose I could go poke around the repository if I have to.
thanks, Adam
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