I recently installed the plugins AckMate, ProjectPlus, QuicklookTM, and TMQuicklook. Then I noticed that the spiffy "Show options" checkbox was missing from my Web Preview, making it impossible for me to invoke live WYSISYG editing.
I figured there was a plugin conflict, so I removed the four plugins from ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Plugins. (I also removed TMQuicklook.qlgenerator from /Library/Quicklook/.) But after restarting TextMate and my computer, and even re-installing WebMate, no joy--I still can't find the missing option for WYSISYG editing in Preview.
Could this have been the result of a change in the latest TextMate version? I'm running 1.5.9 (1589).
I've tried swapping out all my plugins (such as replacing ProjectPlus with the older MissingDrawer) without success. So now I'm looking to reinstall an older version of TextMate to see if that fixes the problem. (My prefs are set to automatically install Cutting Edge updates, but I don't know how long ago the TM turned 1589.)
http://svn.textmate.org seems to be only bundles. Is there a repository for older versions of the application itself?
jon /RR (Response Requested)