On 09.10.2007, at 23:21, Thomas Aylott wrote:
On Oct 9, 2007, at 12:34 PM, Hans-Jörg Bibiko wrote:
I 'finished' the recoding of TMTOOLS. If someone has a bit time please give me a feedback about the functionality, bugs, wishes, etc. Please note: The version 0.9 is still beta, i.e. please be careful while testing it. By myself I use it every day while working, and it helps me a lot; at least for me ;)
Wow, This is incredible! I can hardly wait to start fiddling with this puppy. Do you have this under subversion or anything yet? I would love this to be a part of bundleforge.
Not yet. I want to wait a bit for the very first feedbacks (bug fixing) and maybe for TM 2.0 (syntax fixing).
Do you have some commands and stuff that you've created to work with your plugin?
You saw in the demo a window showing the current scopes. It's quite useful for writing a grammar and for linguistic stuff.
Then the command (bound to TAB): "$TMTOOLS" goto nextSnippetField "$TMTOOLS" call command '{name="showAsList";}'
whereby showAsList is a normal bundle command which does from a selected string à la 'yes|no' an inline menu. E.g. the XSL bundle snippets are written in such a style to give an hint for possible values etc.
For me it is often the case that I have to deal with 3 or 4 files at same time and I want to see all files at my screen. So I wrote a tmCommand which opens these files and resize/locate them on my screen automatically.
My favorite is the "$TMTOOLS" complete ... stuff (Many thanks to Joachim Mårtensson)
-call the tmCommand "Create HTML From Document / Selection" -replace the font-size:xxpt with my font size in the HTML code by using a macro -showWebPreview
and and and and ... Maybe it would be the best that I put some of my stuff as examples in a TMTOOLSexamples bundle.
Also, is there anything in here for handling selections?
Yes: 1) set the caret to a specific point "$TMTOOLS" set caretTo '{line=2;index=4;}' 2) from the set caret location you can select to the end of line 3 "$TMTOOLS" set selectionTo '{line=3;column=end;}'
or use a dynamic generated macro for that à la: "$TMTOOLS" call macro '{ commands = ( {command = "moveWordRight:"; }, {command = "moveWordLeftAndModifySelection:"; }, {command = "moveWordLeftAndModifySelection:"; }, {command = "moveWordLeftAndModifySelection:"; } ); }'
and read the help file additionally. Remember you can create each PLIST content dynamically by using Ruby, bash, Perl etc. and you can call a system command with "$TMTOOLS" from inside of each Ruby, Perl, ... script!
Or something to do a regex search? I'd love to be able to initiate a regex search in textmate with a dynamically generated search string. I could then do some fancy footwork to intelligently set your selection.
This is quite easy. Have a look at TMTOOLS help file - item 3.5.4 "$TMTOOLS" call macro PLIST second example. Generate a plist and pipe it to $TMTOOLS" call macro - [the hyphen is important to read on STDIN; look at item 3.1.1 second example for the syntax] The best starting point is to record a macro for a regexp search and have a look at this macro. Then you can use it as template for "$TMTOOLS" call macro PLIST.