On 4 Dec 2008, at 18:36, Andrea Crotti wrote:
I discovered the blogging bundle [...] I paste code I need to use the <pre> (or the equivalent in markup or textile) tag which keeps the indentation but hides part of the code if I enlarge the font on my browser.
I could also limit the lenght of the strings but it does not solve completely the problem...
Put this in the CSS to get a scrollbar on demand: pre { overflow: auto; }
It would be also nice some sintax highlighting and better formatting, any advices?
You can use Bundles → TextMate → Paste Document / Selection Online…
This pastes to pastie and there is instructions on how to embed the pastie in your blog posts (pastie does a very nice presentation of the source and it is based on how TextMate parses it, so you can paste subsets of code / data formats and still get proper highlight, it even strips leading indent).
[...] Is it also possible to attach automatically binary and text files directly from textmate or not? (didn't see that function).
You can drag images to your blog post, this uploads them on the server and inserts a link in the document. Nothing is added for binary or text, but could be done by modifying the image drag command.