in the course of writing my PhD-thesis, I've missed the possibility to quickly open publications (PDFs) directly from LaTeX-Source. As I use BibDesk as a reference manager, I've implemented a command interfacing BibDesk via Applescript to solve this.
The command allows to open a publication PDF linked to a BibDesk record directly via the cite-key used in the LaTeX source (in short: place cursor at cite-key (or select cite-key) -> call command (via hot-key) -> if a file is linked to the according BibDesk-Entry, it is opened in your default PDF-viewer). Works pretty well for me ...
If anybody thinks this could be useful for his or her workflow, feel free to use and/or adapt/improve.
Best regards, stefan
-------------------------------------------- Stefan Oppl
University of Linz Department of Business Information Systems Communications Engineering Freistaedterstr. 315, A-4040 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 2468-7103 Fax: +43 732 2468-7111 E-mail: mailto:stefan.oppl@jku.at Web: http://www.ce.jku.at ------------------------------------------- get my PGP public key at http://security.oppl.info