On Jun 22, 2006, at 10:10 AM, Marc-André Cournoyer wrote:
Hi, I'm MAC OS newbie, and I'm giving TextMate a try to code in python. But afther running the script from TextMate (shift+apple+R) a couple of times, everytime I open up a new bash shell the same command execute at startup:
Last login: Thu Jun 22 10:37:33 on ttyp1 clear; cd '/Users/macournoyer/ecole/log620/lab2/src'; 'pythonw' '/Users/macournoyer/ecole/log620/lab2/src/stats.py'; rm -f '' Welcome to Darwin! mac:~ macournoyer$ clear; cd '/Users/macournoyer/ecole/log620/ lab2/src'; 'pythonw' '/Users/macournoyer/ecole/log620/lab2/src/ stats.py'; rm -f ''
I check bash startup scripts: /opt/profile and ~/.bash-profile
I don't know what I did wrong, please help!
This actually sounds like a problem with Terminal.app, if I understand you correctly. I had a similar problem at some point, but can't quite remember how I fixed it. If you open the preferences for Terminal.app, what do you see? You'll also want to browse the various tabs in the “Window Settings” of Terminal.app, found from the menu titled “Terminal”. In any case, all this should give you some ideas as to what gets loaded and why, when you start a new terminal window.
You could also try downloading iTerm (http://iterm.sourceforge.net/) and compare, to find out if the problem is indeed with Terminal.app or with the actual shell.