The whole syntax highlighting thing is going to be overhauled, so in my opinion, it will be a bit a waste of time... The SH files will all have to be re-written or updated soon, so I don't see the need to do it twice or more, but if you've got lots of time on your hands, go for it ;)
Ah, you must not have any major projects to procrastinate from... :)
My advice is "sit tight, and wait for the good things to come", but of course, I am just one man :)
Yes, the bundles will need re-writing, but it feels like a stop-gap measure is possible with some work and a small amount of coordination.
It also seems like Allan has a lot of stuff on his to-do list! 1.2 could be a long ways off...
So, to put my money where my mouth is, I tried out Chris Thomas's hierarchical scheme with the Perl.tmbundle just to see how hard it would be. It actually didn't take very long; the main issue was deciding where in the hierarchy things should go, like variables and functions. Things that were unlikely to have an analog in another language (like POD) I put in a hierarchy beneath *.perl.
I also renamed the Latex innards. It was a little harder, as it's not really a programming language, but I took a shot at it.
- Eric
ps. These are the classes I used. I know I'll just have to change them again, but it _feels_ more organized. :)
comments.line.perl comments.perl.POD keywords.control.perl keywords.functions.perl keywords.functions.perl.arrows keywords.functions.perl.comparison keywords.functions.perl.filetest keywords.variables.perl keywords.variables.perl.# keywords.variables.perl.special keywords.variables.perl.special# strings.backticked.perl strings.double-quoted.perl strings.double-quoted.perl.q strings.double-quoted.perl.qlinestart strings.program-block.perl strings.regexp.perl strings.single-quoted.perl
comments.line.latex keywords.functions.latex keywords.functions.latex.citations keywords.functions.latex.sections keywords.latex.braces strings.latex.equation-$ strings.latex.equation-$$ strings.latex.equation-braces