I install snow leopard (update) but now I can't compile LaTeX document with textMate
I get :
Could not open to check for packages This is most likely a problem with TM_LATEX_MASTER
After installing snow, the symbolic link /usr/texbin is destroyed
cd /usr sudo ln -s ../Library/TeX/Distributions/.DefaultTeX/Contents/Programs/ i386 texbin
Upgrading to Snow Leopard also remove /usr/texbin from my default PATH.
I create a text file named TeX with contents
and then I move this file to /etc/paths.d. I give this file read-write permission for everyone
Well now I can compile with TexShop and from the terminal but not with textmate
I read some tickets on the net and after that, I rename
tm_interactive_input.dylib in textmate.app and in the pristine copy, now I can compile but I would like to know if this solution is correct?
Best Regards
Alain Matthes