On Sep 23, 2009, at 2:24 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 21 Sep 2009, at 21:23, Scott Haneda wrote:
I am pretty sure I just pinned this down to TM. If I work in TM, save, then command-tab to a browser, there is significant lag from the time it will switch to the browser, or, at times, even bring up the application tab switcher.
If I do not save, the toggle is fast, so it seems to be something to do with leaving TM, where it is not letting me leave as fast as other apps do.
The saving is synchronous, so any action done after ⌘S will not be executed until the save has completed.
Are you using this with an ftp app? TM wants a reply saying “everything went ok” from that app, before it considers the save as done.
No, actually, this seems to be worse on local dev than when I am using a ftp app. I have been working in Jquery all week, so 100% local.
These are small local files, 100 lines or so, how long does that save take? I would think from about the time I release the "S" key, that save should be finished. at which point, I am into the command-tab. By then, the save should be done.
Hmm, yesterday I deleted all the cache files in TM in app support, and now, working on the same file, this is NOT happening. I will keep an eye on it. I get this feeling it will grow to lag more over time. If it is as simple as nuking a cache file, I will just get in the habit of doing that.