On 16. Jul 2007, at 23:20, Pete Siemsen wrote:
I'm trying (for the first time ever) to make Textmate do syntax- highlighting. The files I want to highlight are JUNOS router configuration files. My beginning grammar is [...] When I set the language to JUNOS, folding works but the keywords or comments stay the default color. Do I need to do something else to see color highlighting? (assume nothing is too dumb - I'm a newbie to this)
To see if your grammar is actually matching press ⌃⇧P on the elements it should match, then you’ll see the scope assigned to this part of the document.
The keyword rule looks correct, but the comment rule will only work for block comments on a single line. To make it span multiple lines instead use begin/end like this:
{ name = 'comment.block.junos'; begin = '/*'; end = '*/'; },
As for coloring, they should inherit the styles already setup for comment and keyword (if matched correctly).
Assuming I get this working, is there a repository of grammars where I can share it? And maybe find grammars for other odd languages?
There’s a huge repository of existing bundles: <http:// macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Bundles/>