The code is on Rubyforge in
Or via git using
git clone git://
I could email you a copy if you wanted. It is about 500K. I haven't sat down and tried to work out the minimum code that will generate the error.
Running test/gedcom, after removing the comments from around lib/gedcom/transmission.rb's summary method, will print the string, print the string to /tmp/xx.txt and print the string again. Both prints give the error, but the file copy is correct.
The string is produced calling f.to_gedcom, which is a method in lib/gedcom/gedcom_base.rb. This actually walks through all the other objects that were created from the classes in lib/gedcom/*.rb. It isn't that easy to follow.
The error will go away if @@tabs = false, rather than true. This stops the leading spaces being added to the lines in the string (in method GedcomBase.tabstop in gedcom_base.rb). The line " 3 Time ..." becoming "3 TIME ...". The error is there for Ruby 1.8.6 and Ruby 1.9.1.
Alex Ross-8 wrote:
On Apr 1, 2009, at 2:15 AM, rburrowes wrote:
Now that I think on it, I have had one other odd thing happen. My Ruby code seems to cause problems when writing to the output window. I print a longish multi-line string and get an error at the 11th line.
"at top level in 3 TIME 15 at line 56"
The same string, printed to a file, outputs correctly. the "3 TIME 15" is the first part of the 11th line. I can get the error consistently, before and after printing the string to a file and the file copy is always right. I also don't see the error if I run the Ruby code on the command line. Could I be overflowing a buffer somewhere and trashing something I shouldn't be. Seems unlikely though, and I can't reproduce a corruption of the bundle this way.
Example code so I can reproduce it?
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