FWIW, the second is not valid JS. The first is valid, as is: var functionName = function( ... ){ ... }, but 'var' must not be followed by a dereferenced object.
I then had to split it up into two
{ name = "meta.function.js"; match = "^\s*this\.([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\s*=\s*(function)\ \s*\(([^)]*)\)"; captures = { 1 = { name = "entity.name.function.js"; }; 2 = { name = "storage.type.function.js"; }; 3 = { name = "variable.parameter.function.js"; }; }; }, { name = "meta.function.js"; match = "^\s*(var\b)?\s*([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\s=\s* (function)\s*\(([^)]*)\)"; captures = { 1 = { name = "storage.type.js"; }; 2 = { name = "entity.name.function.js"; }; 3 = { name = "storage.type.function.js"; }; 4 = { name = "variable.parameter.function.js"; }; }; },
is there a better way?
Then I realized that you can also do it by prototype, thusly object.prototype.functionName = function(arguments) { ... } and made the following
{ name = "meta.function.js"; match = "^\s*[a-zA-Z_]\w*\.(prototype)\.([a-zA-Z_]\ \w*)\s=\s*(function)\s*\(([^)]*)\)"; captures = { 1 = { name = "support.constant.js"; }; 2 = { name = "entity.name.function.js"; }; 3 = { name = "storage.type.function.js"; }; 4 = { name = "variable.parameter.function.js"; }; }; },
only problem here, is that the "object" isn't catched. For istance, I have Array.prototype.get = function(get) { ... } but Array does not get the support.class.js scope, how would one solve this?