On 2 Jan 2009, at 15:50, Andrea Crotti wrote:
[...] lang = environ['TM_MODE'].lower() [...] It works fine, do you see any possible "problem"?
Other than use of the deprecated TM_MODE, no. But in your case the use seems justified, I’ll have to re-evaluate scrapping that variable.
Could I maybe use the browser integrated inside Textmate?? How to call it directly?
Simply set your command to have HTML output, and it’ll open the “browser” with your commands output as content. What you want is then to have your command output a <meta> tag with a redirect to the actual page (i.e. the Google search URL).
Another little thing: I read on the dev guide that I should modify directly bundles and the svn diff to view my changes. Actually I'm not doing like that but I have all my changes in the "normal" directory.
How is better to do to propose changes or some new features to bundles mainatainers?
If you have a patch to submit, then see http://wiki.macromates.com/Bundles/HowToContribute
If you have suggestions (no code) then write your suggestion here or at the ##textmate IRC channel.