Zeitler Andreas wrote:
Yes it does work very well. I was just thinking that it would be something cool if the Bundle could handle these things. So that editing is a little more comfortable.
Hmm, well you'll have to explain what you mean. There's no way that the bundle can really fetch posts from a BB, etc. The best way to use the BBCode bundle is--assuming you use a webkit-based browser like Safari, OmniWeb, etc.--to make a new post in your browser, and then use the edit in textmate input manager to get the text into TextMate. Then when you save the textmate window, it will put the updated text back into your browser. If you use firefox, i think some sort of external editor support is achievable, but I don't know how. If you use Opera or Camino, I think you're out of luck for now (though I could be wrong about Opera).
Hope this helps, Jacob