Hello, I'm writing my master thesis with TextMate and the LaTeX bundle, and I encountered two problems.
First, I want to compile it using latex, and not pdftex. So, I set the variable TM_LATEX_COMPILER to latex. However, this only is not enough. I checked the Typeset & View script and I had to add this in order to make it work :
if [ "$TEX" == "latex" ]; then TEX_PSTRICKS=1 fi after the line TEX=${TM_LATEX_COMPILER:-$DEF_TEX}
Second, I write it in French. There are a lot of accents (é,è,à,ù,ï,ë, and so on) in French, and sometimes, there is one in a chapter/section/subsection title. The accents go into the label to. Creating the chapter/section/subsection works fine with the accents. However, when I try to refer to them and use \ref{sub followed by Alt-Esc to use the auto-completion, I can select the sections with accents in the labels, but when I do select a section with an accent, instead of writing the label, it deletes everything inside the \ref{}. I see two solution to this : - Change the autocompletion script so that it can take accents. - Change the chapter/section/subsection/... commands so that they replace accents by regular letters (éèë by e, ...) in the labels.
However, I don't know how to do any of them.
Does anyone have a workaround this ? Or is it possible that someone correct this in the bundle ?
Maxime Boissonneault maxime.boissonneault@usherbrooke.ca