Am So, 13.04.2008, 01:06, schrieb Steven Harms:
If anyone has tips and tricks using snapz-x pro or a HOWTO please let me know.
Hi Steven,
I could recommand you a little nice tool "keycastr" which is showing what keys you are pressing while shooting your screencast.
all key-combinations will appear in a nice and floating little "smoke-styled" box.
your audience will always see what actions in textmate you are doing... you can concentrate on the narration.
maybe also worth a try:
- ScreenFlow
- Screenflick
Both are specialiced Screencast-Apps which promise to be as twice as fast as SnapzPro is.
YAlso you wont have too much struggle cropping/sizing/converting/encoding the video before upload. Both to be comprehended as Screencast-Suites with "everthing you need" including easy editing of the clip.
I myself wished as beginner for exactly what you have suggested: more screencasts!