On May 11, 2009, at 2:36 PM, Walter Lee Davis wrote:
I am working on mocking up a site, and I wanted to change the some- site.com link to example.com using the Bundle Editor. I can highlight the command, and see that it's there and what the shortcut is, but I can't seem to edit it at all. (I don't have this problem with other snippets and bundles and so forth.)
Open the bundle editor and click on the Hyperlink Helper bundle, then click on the disclosure triangle to expand the bundle. Click on the "Wrap Word / Selection as Link" command and you'll see a text box to the right. This is where you'll find some-site.com and can change it to example.com (it's on line 26).
This has been changed to example.com already in the repository, so it will be fixed in the next release.