Haris, thank you! so easy!!! Viva TextMate!! wow
On 26-gen-06, at 23:38, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
"-" is not a word character, so "split-path" is not recognized as a single word. If you open TextMate preferences, under Text Editing, there is a list of "word characters". You would have to add "-" there. That would be my guess. On Jan 26, 2006, at 11:45 AM, Will Arp wrote:
I have this word in completation list "split-path" if I type "spli" and esc key it does work if I type "split-" and esc it doesn't what should I do?
also for color syntax, I'd like "value?" to be recognized but this doesn't work: { name = 'rebol.words'; match = '\b(value?)\b'; },
thank you! Will
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