I've been trying to write an AppleScript to save any open TextMate file into a specific folder with a filename constructed out of the current date and time.
There is no problem creating the filename but I can't work out how to get the path and filename into the TextMate file to be saved.
In the script below I've left out the bit that creates the file_name. as that bit works fine. The problem is the line "save to file file_path" which doesn't work :(
It does work with that other text editor for the Mac but of course I don't use that one anymore :)
Thank you for any assistance you can give.
set file_path to "Macintosh HD:Users:patrick:Temporary:" & file_name
tell application "TextMate" activate if document 1 exists then tell document 1 save to file file_path end tell else display dialog "No open file" end if end tell