On 28.01.2014, at 16:03, Comer Duncan comer.duncan@gmail.com wrote:
sudo cp -r Julia.tmbundle ~/Library/Application\ Support/Avian/Pristine\ Copy/Bundles
to copy the julia-supplied bundle to hopefully the right place. I then restarted TM2 but did not see Julia on the bundles list. So I looked on the Bundles list and Julia does not appear. However, when I go to Bundles-> Edit Bundles I see julia mentioned. Selecting that I only see an entry for Language Grammars. The check for Enable This Item is already in place.
So, can you guys please help me get the Julia bundle usable?
I guess you mean the one coming with the Julia distribution in the contrib/ folder. The bundle seems to work fine, but there is nothing more than a little bit of language grammar. You can open a .jl file or select the language with the mouse (there is no keyboard shortcut set) - but that’s it.