Hi Allan,
It is truly wonderful to see so much activity again! I see so many improvements and am optimistic TM 2 will soon set the stage once again.
Here is my problem: I have continued to use TM 1, primarily the Latex bundle, because of one old snippet which does not work as it should in TM 2. I use it many times a day and would not like to give it up.
Here it is:
Scope Selector: text.tex.latex
Key equivalent: $
In TM 1, the $ key outputs ( $0$TM_SELECTED_TEXT ). The curser is inside the math formula brackets ( ). It stays inside, regardless of what I write, until I type $ again. Then the cursor moves outside. That is just what I want it to do.
In TM 2, the $ key outputs ( $0$TM_SELECTED_TEXT ). The curser is inside the math formula brackets ( ). It stays inside, regardless of what I write, until I type $ again. Then I see ( ($0$TM_SELECTED_TEXT ) ) and the cursor is still inside. Not good!
If I erase the snippet, then in both TM 1 and TM 2, the same thing happens. Inputting $ the first time yields $ $0$TM_SELECTED_TEXT $. The second time, the cursor moves outside. This would be fine, except that many of us have moved away from using $ signs to set off equations in Latex.
Best regards,