On 16/07/2005, at 6.13, Brian Dote wrote:
Anyone getting kernel panics on Tiger? I'm running 10.4.2 and I can consistently crash the machine with TextMate, on both my PowerBook and G5. Last night I had another one which caused my OS to not reboot, and I had to re-install Tiger. I see that only 10.3 is supported but I liked the tool so much that I tried it on Tiger.
The problem is that I've started to use the new (Tiger) OS functions for storing meta data, but these can (apparently) cause a kernel panic when used on AFP mounted volumes :/
There's this update where you can disable the use of filesystem meta data: http://macromates.com/textmate/files/ TextMate_1.1b14_2005-07-14.zip (3.2 MB)
Before starting it, run the following in Terminal.app (I've added a GUI prefs option in 1.1b15 for this): defaults write com.macromates.textmate OakDocumentDisableFSMetaData -bool true