PS: Once I have something nonpathological, I am happy to share it.
Please do.
Thank you and Michael for the suggestions. I think I am about 99% of the way there.
My one remaining problem is that the default textmate Shell Script bundle "takes over" my files with #!/bin/zsh . I removed the firstLineMatch zsh entry from the Shell Script language bundle, but TextMate still behaves as if it were there. If I delete the Shell Script bundle entirely, leaving only my new zsh bundle, it does the right thing. Is there a less drastic solution, and also if I were to submit this, is there a way to "over-ride" the Shell Script bundle default short of editing it?
Some of my creations can work with any bourne-type shell, and I have at least one command that might be of general interest (it is a copy of the Run Script command but solicits arguments from the user to feed the shell script, which might be assigned shift-command-R or something evocative).
Most of the others are code snippets that are general but hard for me to remember.
Is there some vetting procedure to determine whether others might be interested, whether I have tried to or accidently inserted nefarious code, and so on?
Thanks again for your help.
My only complaint about TextMate is that it is one more thing to tinker with instead of getting my work done.