On 19/07/06, Eric D. Fields eric_fields@emerson.edu wrote:
Hi. I adore texmate to death but I'm trying to get more automation out of it. I know that there's a keyboard shortcut to close the last previously opened tag, but is it possible get TM to close all the tags on the current line you're working on? So i can be writing
<li><a><span> and with a keystroke or two get </span></a></li>.
Well, you say a "keystroke or two". With three, you can hit command-option-. three times, and it will close each one in succession. It's just a quick ripple - hold the modifiers, tap period once for each tag you want to close.
Given I don't have more than 3/4 tags I want to close at once like that, I think that's a perfectly acceptable situation.
If you've got long, repetetive lines, the other solutions suggested might work; alternatively, consider building the tags first with some form of column typing, and then later add the content.