I don't know whether I'm missing something or just trying to use something not yet implemented, but I can't seem to set any http_proxy settings. I've tried:
TM_HTTP_PROXY = ****PROXYSERVER***:3128 http_proxy = ****PROXYSERVER***:3128
in my .tm_properties file and as variables in the preferences pane. But neither seem to work - I can't for example connect to the macromates download server to check for new releases.
This has the side effect that when I try to enable a theme I get the message 'Installed Birds of Paradise' but the check box instantly un-checks it's self and I get the message:
19/12/2011 12:20:15 [0x0-0x13b13b].com.macromates.TextMate.preview[25857] *** error downloading ‘http://updates.textmate.org/Bundles/Birds%20of%20Paradise.tbz%E2%80%99: couldn't connect to host
in the console log.
As a text I checked and unchecked the 'Theme' option in themes and that then became disabled too. Obviously it's pretty easy to fix all the symptoms, but it'd be great to get the core functionality working.
Any hints?
p.s. (yes my .bash_profile has "export http_proxy=....